Could he? Could he? He tried to keep his mind empty like Joyce told him, imagined himself as her toy, so lucky being used this way, concentrating on the sweet pressure of her pussy, the sound of her ragged breath, the feeling of her hot hand on his mouth. But his body fought him. It wanted release so badly.

At Her Feet: Foot Fetishes and Gentle Femdom
It actually seems very natural for a man who’s into femdom to be attracted to the idea of women’s feet, because they are often quite feminized AND there is a longstanding association with kneeling, kissing someone’s feet, bowing before someone as a submissive act.

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole
The funny thing I realized is that I’ve always liked reading out loud. I guess because I like reading and have always been told I have an expressive voice. So, I kind of love the idea that I can just read all these sexy stories out loud and some people might want to listen to them.

The Keyholder-Part Two: A Gentle Femdom Erotic Short Story
Adam’s heart leaped a little at the note, as did his cock, which he had managed to keep under control for most of the morning. And he rushed down the stairs with the key and Joyce’s note and let himself in to his new place.

The Keyholder: A Gentle Femdom Erotic Short Story
“Hello, Adam.” She continued, taking out a set of keys, which Adam tried hard not to start at too deeply. They reminded him of HIS key. And seeing her hold them made him wish for a keyholder of his own—a woman, like Joyce, who would have the control over him that he craved.

Support This Industrious Smut Peddler!
I am being such an industrious smut peddler! Honestly, this is a lot of fun, and I love getting comments and seeing that people are enjoying my work. I have A LOT of other plans for things I might do with my blog, but they depend on me growing my audience. So, please consider retweeting or recommending me if you like something I produce.

Who Puts the Good in “Good Boy?” And Why Praise Kink is a Powerful Form of Therapy
hat is it about “good boy” that’s so hot?

Sign Up for Kink Academy for Excellent Kink Education
You’ll notice I have a link in my sidebar for Kink Academy. When I thought about creating this site, I only wanted to advertise for companies I believed in. I was a long time member of Kink Academy, and I learned SO much from their vast collection of videos and articles. I learned a lot…

Making an Impact: An Overview of Impact Toys for Gentle Femdom
In looking at all of my writing, I realized there was a glaring omission in terms of femdom play, and that was impact play!

Easing into Long Distance Chastity Play
Then one day on a whim I decided to buy a cheap silicone chastity device for him. I chose the silicone because I thought it was likely to be the most comfortable. It was also pink, which I thought was adorable.