All of a sudden, I realized how MUCH I miss kink events. I mean all of them. The “vanilla” ones where I just hang out with people I like and flirt. God, I miss flirting! Just socializing with friends and getting to feel silly and drink a little too much (sometimes) and enjoy!
But also the play parties and kink cons! I miss them so much, and I am so sad that I don’t get to look forward to them as this winter approaches. They were opportunities for fun and fantasy and debauchery, and I got to put on my fantastic outfits and feel fabulous and go totally nuts. I didn’t go to play parties ALL the time, but I went enough that they were regular events that I looked forward to, and I feel like maybe I took them for granted. I hope that the venues survive the pandemic.
I don’t know why I didn’t miss them through last spring and summer and even this fall. I felt like I was getting the kink that I needed. And I felt like this was going to be over soon enough. But I guess the reality hit me that things likely won’t be back to any kind of normal before the summer, and that makes me sad.
I’ve decided to look forward to that time, though, and work on losing the COVID god knows how many so that when events do start happening again, I can feel sexy in all of my favorite fetish wear, especially because it will be summer. I want to feel comfortable with my body and really enjoy it.
I imagine that when we finally DO get to go back to events, they are going to be amazing because everyone is going to be insanely happy. I should spend a little of this time thinking about all of the things I want to do. My kinky bucket list for post-COVID bacchanalias should be long, and I want to do every one!
I have never been to a formal kinky event but I’m sure it would be fun to see you in action. I hope they come back soon enough for you. My heart kind of breaks to see you sad. Your blog is very upbeat, gives valuable intimate insight, and is very nonjudmental. I truly enjoy checking in from time to time. Life is short and can be very unfair. Hang in there darling. It will get better. Soon enough, you’ll be back in your element having fun and looking amazing in your fetish attire!