Lucky for you, if you’ve got a closet full of fetish wear (or even a drawer you hide from the kids), you’re going to be extra stylish next year! This article from GQ UK says that BDSM inspired looks are going to be fashionable for men next winter. Ladies, don’t pout. You know you can…
Why Service Topping Gets a Bad Rap in Kinkland and Why Service Tops Are Actually Awesome!
The term service top seems to get kind of a bad rap in the kink Scene. You don’t see a many people advertising themselves as one, maybe because it doesn’t seem as sexy as being a “big, bad dominant!” Also, some people don’t even know what a service top is or might have a misconception…
The Gentle Domme’s Guide to Cross-Dressing, Feminization and Sissification for New Dommes and Subs: Part Three
If you haven’t already, check out the first two articles in this three-part series about cross-dressing, feminization and sissification. So far, we’ve talked about the differences between cross-dressing, feminization and sissification and discussed the discomfort some dommes feel with sissification and forced feminization play because of misogynistic stereotypes. If your boyfriend or husband has confessed…

The Gentle Domme’s Guide to Cross-Dressing, Feminization and Sissification for New Dommes and Subs: Part Two
In my last blog article I talked about what to do if your male partner comes to you and wants to dress up like a woman. In that article we talked about cross-dressing and feminization and the differences between the two, especially that while cross-dressing is not necessarily submissive, feminization fantasies usually are—at least a…
The Gentle Domme’s Guide to Cross-Dressing, Feminization and Sissification for New Dommes and Subs: Part One
So, your submissive boyfriend or husband has confided in you with a deep, dark fantasy. He wants to dress up like a girl, and he wants you to help. Well, buckle up, buttercup. This is going to be a long one! You likely have one of several responses, varying from, “This relationship isn’t going to…
Playing With His Senses: A Beginner’s Guide to Being a Sensual Domme
You might have heard the term “sensual domination” and wondered what it was. How is it different from good, old fashioned, regular domination? What? That’s not good enough anymore, huh? In my day we had to walk two miles to the dungeon in the snow….barefoot! And we liked it! (Of course you did, you masochist!)…
Three Sexy Gentle Femdom Role Plays for Novice Dommes and Subs
Some people love role play. It helps them really sink into the headspace they’re looking for and helps them get over their insecurities. Some people find it embarrassingly hard to stay in character. But whether if you’re into role playing or just want to give it a try, gentle femdom has a few really fun…
Ok Cupid Aims to Be Inclusive for Kinksters
New ads for OK Cupid are intentionally targeting dommes and subs! The ads, which are debuting now in North America, are attempting to show that, “Like past campaigns, OkCupid is committed to diverse representation (the platform has 22 options for gender and 13 for sexual orientation), and several pieces of creative—some of it saucy—hyper-target those…
Domme Bites: You Know What They Say About Big Brains, Don’t You?
That people into BDSM have them. A recent study confirmed that people who are into BDSM are typically highly educated. More than one-third had a university degree, with an additional 21% having a college degree. 70% had a higher education (ie, bachelor’s or master’s degree), compared to 34% in the general population. I can’t say…
Is a Female Led Relationship Right for You? A Beginner Guide to FLRs.
FLR stands for female led relationship. When people talk about femdom, what they usually talk about is the sexual aspect. They’re talking about bedroom kink where people are playing with sexual roles or where they’re not playing, but tend to leave the idea of the woman in charge in the realm of sexuality. An example…