While I certainly can’t speak for all dommes and/or tops out there, I feel like I’m confident enough in this belief that I can just say it. Passivity is not hot.

Why Submissive Men Shouldn’t Ignore Switches
If, as a man, being submissive IS that integral to your life, a woman who is only kind of kinky or only occasionally dominant might not work for you. But I think it’s a mistake to write off women who aren’t labeling themselves—as dominant or as anything.

Spooky Woman Sex Dream
I had a bizarre dream last night which woke me up from sleep in which I discovered that my boyfriend had been seeing a woman named Texas without telling me for several months.

You’re My Pile of Riches, and I Want to Luxuriate in You.
That’s right, pet. Down on your knees for me now, the weight of your body bearing down on hard wood. Supplication. Dedication. Instruction. We both know it’s where you belong. Don’t we? You down there, staring up at me with those wide-eyed puppy dog eyes just begging to serve.

Is Gentle Femdom a “Porn Category?” Are People Just Jerks Online? And Other Burning Femdom Forum Inspired Questions…
I regularly read some femdom forums. I have for a long time. I didn’t post under thegentledomme name before I had this blog, but now I mostly do because my life consists of creating content and talking about sex and sometimes watching The Crown. It’s so good! Isn’t it? I happened to see this post…

Back Again With a New FREE Audio For You to Enjoy
I was away for a few days, and I wasn’t able to post much. But I’m back! I’ll get back to some regular blogging soon, but for now, please enjoy this new free audio that is so VERY gentle femdom. And I will talk to all of you soon!
Happy New Year!
Hello, everyone! I had a low key NYE partying “Zoom” style! But it was quite nice. I hope you all had good New Years Eves. I resolve that once vaccines are plentiful, I will redo NYE with a big party!

A Little Money, Honey…
In my post about findom, I said I wanted to talk more about money as flirtation online.

My First Findom
As you know, I NEVER give out personal information about customers in my blog, and I don’t intend to, but I did want to generally write about findom because I had my first findom experience yesterday.

The Art of Dirty Talk
And then it came to me…dirty talk! I could write about dirty talk!