The University of Antwerp conducted a study at a local kink club and monitored them through the use of questionnaires, blood samples, algometers (to measure pain threshold), GSR sensors (to monitor stress), and heart rate monitors. They found positive stress responses in BDSM practitioners that were similar to what we think of as a “runner’s…
If a Domme Has Sex With Her Submissive, Is She Still Dominant?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! There is a weird misconception about femdom that if you are a female dominant, having sex with your male submissive makes you somehow less dominant. But this could not be farther from the truth. So, let’s talk about where this belief might come from and why it’s wrong. My…
Becoming Teacher’s Pet
What I propose is that we strengthen your willpower and attempt to reduce some of those confusing and distracting urges that young men your age are prone to experiencing. What you need to learn is restraint and the ability to push through distractions. Hello. Thank you for coming to see me after class during office…
Domme Bites: Femdom Netflix Show “Bonding” Renewed for Season Two
I wasn’t a big fan of the show. In fact, I could only get through a few episodes. I felt it was degrading to submissive men. But I suppose I do like seeing femdom represented in the media. I just wish it was a little more nuanced. Anyway, the show is coming back. Maybe I’ll…
Yes, Femdom Porn is Fun. But Is It Really Real?
I had known since I was a girl that I had kinky fantasies. Like a lot of women who realize they’re kinky, I started out believing that I was a submissive because I was a girl and girls are supposed to be demure and passive objects—or at least that’s what I thought. I was also…
The In-Depth Guide to Finding a Femdomme in the Wild: Part Two
In part one of this article we discussed the myth that dominant women are a rare as Targaryen dragons and talked about the kinds of women you might encounter when you’re looking for a female dominant, from women who will never be into being dominant ever to women who want a complete female led relationship….
The In-Depth Guide to Finding a Femdomme in the Wild: Part One
Whether you’re a man who has been having femdom fantasies since you hit puberty or one who only recently started to long for a woman who will take charge of you, it can feel daunting to try and locate the “mythical creature” that is the femdom. Just kidding. Dominant women aren’t mythical, although it might…
Domme Bites: Gorgeous Portraits of Professional Dommes
Artist Max Eike produced a book of portraits of professional dommes. You can see a video of the portraits contained in the book here. Google Books describes the collection as, “an experiment with an uncertain outcome when the London based photographer began to shoot portraits of German dominatrixes. He strove to explore the boundaries between…
I Wanna Wax You Up: Beginner Wax Play for Gentle Dommes
I remember going to my first big kink event and seeing all of the hot scenes going on in the dungeon around me. But one that caught my eye was literally—hot. A woman had another woman splayed out naked on a massage table and was dripping hot wax all over her. The wax was in…
How to Write a Nice, Not Creepy Message on Fetlife, So Ladies Like You (and Don’t Block You).
What is likely to get you noticed and get a response? Basically, treating the person you are writing to as an actual person. Hello men of Fetlife! I have met many nice specimens of you in real life. You are polite, even charming! Some of you look quite adorable in your underwear. However, it seems…