I admit, I don’t watch A LOT of porn.
I mean, I probably watch more than the average woman. I’ve always had a theoretical interest in sex. I’m a bit of a sex nerd.
But like a lot of women, a lot of porn tends to leave me cold. There’s usually a lack of chemistry in professional porn, and it’s hard to find GOOD femdom porn in general, especially if you’re not into the divine bitch goddess down on your knees you slimy worm stuff. I would say that just like most porn in general is made for men, most femdom porn is also made for men and therefore caters to their fantasies.
In my opinion, this creates all kinds of problems when men who watch femdom porn want to enter in actual real life relationships with women into femdom because:
They either feel completely intimidated by the idea of a FEMDOM because they imagine women into it to all be whip wielding terrors who wear five inch stilettos and corsets to the grocery store and want to do terrible things to do them.
They feel completely psyched by the idea of a FEMDOM because they imagine women into it to all be whip wielding terrors who wear five inch stilettos and corsets to the grocery store and want to do terrible things to do them.
Ahem. Ladies, you KNOW what I mean. Fetish dispenser much????
And they don’t realize that professional porn is professional porn and even if the women in them are into femdom off the screen, they also sometimes have bad period cramps and want to lie on the couch all day eating ice cream and binging Nailed It on Netflix or get lost driving somewhere out of town and have a breakdown on the side of the road asking themselves why they weren’t born with better spatial relation skills. (Ok. Maybe that one’s just me.)
And stilettos are super uncomfortable. Seriously. They look awesome. But every time I wear a pair, I’m sure I’m going to break an ankle and have to explain why at the emergency room and it’s all going to be embarrassing.
Where was I after ranting about femdom porn? I could go on. And on. So, I’ll stop myself.
In the slop that is the internet, there ARE a few femdom porn creators who I really like. I’m not talking about bloggers. There are some fantastic domme blogs out there like Ferns and OMissPearl, but they don’t create pornographic videos, as far as I’m aware. They do write some great erotica! Oof. And there’s this one book by author Charlotte Stein! I will definitely have to talk more about erotica and these women another day.
But right now I just want to focus on a few women who create femdom porn I like and WHY I like them so much. Please don’t think these are the ONLY options. They’re just my current favorites. And if you know more like them, OMG PLEASE TELL ME!
The first is MissAbbi (No space on Pornhub), otherwise known as the Fuzzy Domme. Why do I love MissAbbi? Well, first, she’s fuzzy. She always looks so comfortable. She does away with the stereotype that to be an effective domme, you must dress in uncomfortable clothes that are really stereotypes. MissAbbi is usually naked or wearing a fuzzy sweater or knee high socks. And sometimes she uses fuzzy mittens or booties on her toy, who is totally adorable. I wouldn’t necessarily say that all of her videos fall under the category of “gentle femdom,” but she definitely has a sort of sweet vibe like she really cares about her toy. There’s actual chemistry there, and I often find myself sending a video of two of her to my boy to tease him.
My second pick for femdom porn that turns me on is Velvet Veronica. You can probably tell I have a type. Veronica also has a very chill vibe about her and seems to really like playing with her “pet.” She says they’re in a relationship, which I think might also account for the real feeling of genuine energy between them. I think I also like that neither Abbi or Veronica show their faces. This lets me focus on the guy and his reactions, which is what I find hot.
Last, and what might have gotten me into femdom porn to begin with, is Klixen. She doesn’t have her own channel, and I don’t even know if she’s still making videos, but she is the handjob QUEEN. Unlike Abbi and Veronica, she does show her face in her videos, but it doesn’t detract from how hot her videos are. She is incredibly slow and restrained in her movements, and you can totally feel the desperation she inspires in the men she very sensually dominates. Klixen, I don’t know where you are, but come back! We need you!
I realize these are all white cis-women, and both Abbi and Veronica are young and quite slim. I would love to see more diversity in the femdom porn I watch, so feel free to send me recommendations. I do also sometimes see one offs that are completely amateur porn, but I didn’t want to include them here because I’m not sure those people would want the attention.
I could go on, but I think that’s enough for now. Don’t fall down the femdom porn wormhole, and remember that dommes are people too. They’re just very special people who are also gorgeous and smart and perfect and always right. Oh, yeah. That was also just me. 😉
*BTW, I was not paid for any of my recommendations in this blog entry. I legit just like what these women make.
I also recommend Marie Kaefer. Lots of similarity to Klixen, IMO.
Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll check that out!
So, I’m curious if you found Marie appealing? I very much enjoy her site. I appreciated your suggestions, as well.
Thank you so much for the introduction to Missabbi and Velvet Veronica. I can’t wait to show these to Mistress K.