
Making Friends on the Internet (And Sex on the Bottom with Lots of Femdom Femdom Femdom)

How to do blog marketing. Place iPad in sea of lemons. Soak vigorously.

This is going to be an entirely non sexy blog post.

Well, I shouldn’t have said that. Now everyone who might have been reading–all two of you–are going to go away. So, pretend I didn’t say it. There’s going to be so much sex. Tons of sex. You just have to get to the end to see it.

I am having a bit of an existential crisis about my blog.

Blog. Does anyone even read blogs anymore or are we all just posting pictures of ourselves on Instagram? (I think the obvious answer is we are all just posting pictures of ourselves on Instagram.)

I mean, I like Instagram. But my talents lie more in the verbosity department than taking 200 pictures of myself in swimsuits to get the good shot department. (Not saying I’ve done it. Not saying I haven’t.)

The thing was that I’ve been writing about kink for a long time–for myself, for a personal audience, sometimes on forums because I like to hear myself talk and feel important. šŸ˜‰ And I felt like I wanted to put all of that writing to some use–DO something with it. So, I had this idea that I would make this blog, and it would be very third person and I would take my often very opinionated self out of it.

It would sort of be high minded about sex and kink, like the Gwyneth Paltrow of female domination if Gwyneth wasn’t so annoying and selling candles that figuratively evoke her vagina. (Although, I admit that’s very clever. And why doesn’t MY vagina smell like geraniums? Someone tell me right now that my vagina smells like geraniums.)

And I did that. And I think I wrote about fifty or sixty articles and published them over the past six months or so.

Then in the middle of it all, COVID hit, and I was listening to end of the world podcasts all day, and I also realized that absolutely no one was reading what I was writing, and that was partially because it was all new and Google would have to “notice” it, but it was also because I had no idea how to market myself under a totally new persona. I could not rely on my existing contacts.

And “marketing” oneself on the internet is just totally awful and not what I enjoy. I enjoy WRITING. Marketing oneself on the internet is a form of masochism. #newsceneidea #forcesubtoengagewithothersusingsocialmedia #makehimteachmeallthenewemojis

But I am a self-reflective woman, and I also realized that maybe no one was reading because what I was writing was boring. I had imagined my blog like a newbie primer for men and women who were getting into the idea of femdom–specifically gentle femdom, which is where and how I play. But if there is no YOU in your writing, then it can be rather dull. Not only to read but to write. And there was no ME in my writing, quite purposefully.

So, now, I’ve picked this thing back up, and I’m going to try at it again, but this time showing more of my personality. And I’ve also committed to using Twitter a little and trying to engage more with others in the community, which is, I suppose a form of “marketing.” But let’s call it making friends with people I will probably never meet and who hopefully won’t come to my house and stalk me and murder me in my sleep.

Also, I added all the femdoms in the title purely for craven marketing purposes.

I did promise lots of sex if you stuck around. Didn’t I? Say thank you.

4 thoughts on “Making Friends on the Internet (And Sex on the Bottom with Lots of Femdom Femdom Femdom)”

  1. I will say while I am new to blogging and I only today ran across yours and I am still tiptoeing through it all. I very much enjoy what you have put out here. You are a talented writer (I am jealous) and you convey your thoughts very eloquently! So yes at least one person has read it all the way and I will continue to do so. Thank you for sharing and please keep on!

  2. Your blog is amazing and incredibly helpful. I’ve been interests in femdom from a porn point of few for all of my adult life. But now that I’ve got a SO that I plan to spend my life with we were struggling to figure out where kinks fit into our relationship. Your blog and insight has led to us finding gentle femdom and realizing thats exactly what we are into. My thoughts about femdom had been too heavily influenced by porn and hers are still developing so your guidance was a god send.

    Thank you so much and please keep going.

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