It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow. Here is a brand new infographic with some suggestions for how a submissive man can find the domme of his dreams. I wish you all love and happiness—especially after this difficult year.

I Kind of Want Jessie Sage to Be My BFF: (Not in a Stalkery Way)
Tonight I’m going to be on Dating Kinky’s What Wonderful Women (and Other Humans Want) podcast. I do NOT like being unprepared. Perhaps some may call me a control freak. Who knows? I wonder why that could be. Although I speak to many people on a daily basis, and I’ve spoken to many groups before…

How Much Does My Sexuality Influence My Personality? And What Do I Know About Dating, Anyway?
The most important piece of advice I would give to men who are looking for a “dominant” female partner is that a domme is still just a woman.

Before the Slap
And then my hand on your open cheek. Priming you for the moment. Giving you time to understand what’s coming.
Episode 4 of The Gentle Dommecast: Older Women/Younger Men and Honorifics
It’s Episode 4 of The Gentle Dommecast! And this week The Rough Subbe and I are talking about older women/younger men dynamics and how those might or might not relate to femdom. (In my case, they kind of do.) We talk about what’s hot and fun about age gap relationships, as well as some of…

I Don’t Know If I Want to Be a Domme, But I Definitely Want to Be a Vampire
I get a lot of my blog ideas from reading questions people ask on forums. And today someone asked about what inspires your domme energy. Basically, I think I just always wanted to be a vampire.

My Eyes Are Up Here…
When you know you need to post content but everything you try to write sounds fake and trite….post a picture of your lovely legs and feet. Cheers to everyone with a femdom foot fetish. Today you get a treat!
A Sexy New PTV Experience for My Niteflirt Friends
The title of my experience is Bacchanalia: A Hypnotic Fantasy. A Bacchanalia was a Roman festival to celebrate Bacchus, god of wine and debauchery. So, you can imagine they got quite wild!

Queen Elizabeth and My Hot Pink Double Ended Dildo
The sexy thing was taking my hot pink double-sided dildo (meant for pegging but really terrible for pegging) and surprising the BF by making him wait in the other room until I had it…situated…and then inviting him in for a cock sucking session.
Episode 3 of The Gentle Dommecast: Porn and Switching
This week The Rough Subbe and I take on porn and switching. We talk about what kinds of porn we like and don’t like, the role of femdom porn in both exposing people to new ideas and perhaps confusing them between reality and fantasy, and exactly how we define porn.