I was looking at some of the keywords people were using to find this blog the other day. (I’m trying to understand the marketing side of blogging and not just the writing side, which I find infinitely more fun. If any marketing service subs would like to come out of the woodwork, now would be an excellent time.)
And one of the terms multiple people used to find me was “femdom manga,” which I thought was pretty funny because I don’t think I’ve ever expressly written an article about femdom manga. BUT I think I did mention it in an article or two because femdom manga/femdom hentai is SUPER popular in the GFD gentle femdom community—specifically my beloved Tumblr, which is no more and that now has sort of moved over to R/gentlefemdom at Reddit.
When I used to browse Tumblr for my GFD fix, I’d say a good 60-70% of what I’d find would be classified as manga, hentai or perhaps just cartoons. And I think this is an interesting phenomenon because that is NOT what you would find if you were looking for traditional more hardcore femdom porn. If you were looking for that stuff, it was much more of the typical bitchgoddess tall svelte angry woman telling men they had super small pee pees and they were going to watch them fuck a literal bull in front of them and snort like a pig, piggie. Okay…whatever…I made that up. Or did I? If you can’t tell, I find stereotypical femdom porn really boring because it is so totally made for the male gaze.
I think the Tumblr GFD community had quite a few women in it, and that is actually why so much of the material there was manga and cartoons. (If it’s not actually Japanese, is it still manga? Or just cartoons?) It’s really hard to find good gentle femdom porn, especially any that is representative of average bodies, and in some ways I think so much of gentle femdom is based on emotion and nuance, it is sort of hard to show in photos in a titillating kind of way.
Here are a few of my favorite examples of femdom manga images I managed to dig up. Unfortunately, I cannot credit the artists because I don’t know who they are. So, if you do, please let me know.

I’ve seen this picture several times, and it always makes me stop and fall in love with it every time. I love so many things about it. The girl isn’t wearing a super sexy outfit. She’s just wearing a plain bra and tights. She’s got on glasses. She has a bob. Nothing glamorous. She even has a small belly pooch. The boy has a nice body, but it’s nothing crazy. I do think if there’s one criticism I have of a lot of these pictures is that the men in them lean very boyish and feminine, which I would imagine might feel off putting to a lot of men into GFD who don’t look like that. However, it’s not like women aren’t dealing unrealistic body image standards in constantly! This picture is very sexy but also very soft and loving. You can really feel the chemistry between the characters. She’s in control, but you know these are people who care about and trust each other. That is SO hard to find in more porn.

This picture is also adorable. It reminds me of ME smooshing my boobs into my boy’s face. There are literally hearts over their heads. Neither of them are particularly glamorous. I have no idea where this picture is from, but it’s just lovely soft femdom. She’s in control and he’s loving it, and they’re loving each other.

Last, I chose this picture more randomly. He’s less feminine than a lot of guys you tend to see in femdom manga. There are no genitals, although it’s pretty clear what’s happening. You don’t really need to see the body parts to feel how sexy this picture is. You can see everything on his face, the sweat on his forehead, the red in his cheeks, the concentration in his eyes. You can even see his toes curling. He looks very vulnerable, but he’s clearly excited and wants more. He’s pulling her toward him with his hands on her head and neck. This picture is just all kinds of unnnnffff.
Honestly, there is so much good stuff out there, I should start saving my favorites. I suppose what is interesting is why there are so many women participating in the GFD community in a very lifestyle/non-professional kind of way compared to I guess what we would think of as more traditional femdom. Personally, I think way more women are into GFD (and maybe also way more men) than femdom as we otherwise think about it because the focus is on loving relationships and not being mean and sadistic. (And I should say that I DON’T think all other femdom is mean and sadistic–even if sometimes some of it looks that way.)
I also think it’s interesting that so many men in GFD manga are rather girlish looking. It reminds me a little bit of the teen idol magazines they had when I was kid. Those boys were so PRETTY! Is it because they look non threatening? Is it just because a lot of women like pretty men–maybe more than want to admit it? Does the sense of femininity convey some kind of vulnerability that’s hot? I’m really really not sure, but I admit that I’m guilty of liking these pictures myself.
If you’d like to find some gentle femdom manga/hentai/cartoons, here are some places I’d start. Feel free to send me other suggestions, and I’ll add them! Or if you make any gentle femdom related art, let me know, and I’ll be happy to link to you and credit you. If I get enough, I’ll make a page for it.
I thought I posted here. I love those images even though they are animation they show realism. They are showing a soft realistic dominance. Thank you for sharing!
I know! Aren’t they great? I tend to like them better because I think they capture more intimacy.
Yes I agree, and with them being animated, they look real and flawed like most of us.
This is a genre I know nothing about but I really enjoyed that first picture and could see myself staring at it for a few hours or using it for bedroom decor and inspiration. Thanks for sharing it.