Yes! I have STILL been creating content. I don’t post all of the content I create here. You can find my giant list HERE all nice and tagged for your perusal! I also sell on IWantClips and Clips4Sale. This is just a fun little audio I made today encouraging you to lose control for me….

Frabjous Day, Big Cocks Have Come to Play
I woke up to a happy event, which was that Ferns had found me on BlueSky, and I promptly went through all the people she followed and followed them because if they have the Ferns seal of approval, that is good enough for me. I also found OMissPearl, whom I love, and Natalie Wynn of…
Do I Really Have Any Power as a Domme? I’m Still Just a Male Fantasy.
First, I should be honest and say that I think labels in kink are sort of silly. I think labels in kink are the equivalent of chastity cages—toys. If you want to use them that’s fine. But I don’t take them very seriously. Am I a “femdomme?” I don’t know. Who cares. I’m a lot…
I Could Donate a Lot of Money But I Might Also Have a Stroke
So, I’ve kind of been losing my mind for the past few days. I don’t think I’m alone, although I feel sort of alone and suspicious of everyone I see walking down the street. I know those blue bracelets are performative, but could we have them right now because I need to know who the…
Even Gilead Had Jezebel’s.
So, I’m not under any illusion that the men who call me on Niteflirt and tell me that they want to serve me ACTUALLY want to serve me, or that the ones who call me Goddess ACTUALLY have any particular respect or interest in me beyond their fetishes. I am really no more of a…

The Podcast Episode Is Sad
My plan had been to record about the end of Locktober. Instead, I am a sad Domme. Feel free to join me if you too are very sad about the election results and feel like you don’t understand half of this country.
To (Chastity) Cage or Not to Cage—That is the Question?
I said in my last blog post that The Rough Subbe and I are doing Locktober this. I’ve written about chastity before, and one of the things I’ve posted about is cages and whether they are necessary. It’s been hard for TRS to find the right cage for him. One was so big it looked…

Enjoying Locktober and the Benefits of Chastity
So, The Rough Subbe and I are doing Locktober! Honestly, we had been in a bit of a kinky rut (something I’ll write about soon). I don’t think we were unhappy with it, but life gets in the way, and even kink can get boring….at least for me. We were apart and I got the…
The Gentle Dommecast! Season 2!
Is it Loctober? Or Locktober? I’ve unchained The Rough Subbe from my dungeon walls, and he’s “agreed” to podcast with me again! This episode is all about chastity, including why the details never seem quite as sexy as porn (imagine that), choosing the perfect for you cage, what we each find fun about it, and…
Some Upcoming Podcasts!
Just in time for Locktober, The Rough Subbe and I are enjoying some fun chastity….I was going to say games….but they aren’t really games. They are playful and fun, though! And since he is soooo excitable, he is much more amenable to podcasting with me. Ladies….take note. So, I think we might be starting…